Sunday, January 14, 2007

saturday the 13th

today, is the 13th january of 2007. anything special on that date? yes, because when i woke up in that particular morning, i saw that there are 8 sms waiting to be read. and what's so special on the sms? tis because one of them says:

"the-beta version of the design is ready, you'd better pick it up in the morning.--septian"

hehehe, kidding, you know what i mean lah, especially, if you're one of the one who've sent me a message, you know who you are; though i might not (this is the case for +6285235234**). but truly, such sms above indeed sent on the moring of saturday the 13th..

and i 'd like to thank you all, for those are the few things that spells care... huhuhu...

udah ah.


-ian- said...

hey, maksudmu opo ta? aku SMS kamu ya?

hilmy said...

it was another septian kok sep, not you, tapi anak penerbangan yang diminta tolong buat bantuin bikin desain poster.come on, as if you've never seen people with similar name with yourself

danti_noir said...

nama pasaran donk? untung yang namanya danti bisa dihitung pake sepuluh jari di indonesia ya.