yet each of them, has its own story. and some are useful to reminiscent with the old times..
+> these are from my trips to Singapore recently; where its boarding pass reminds me of those yang ketinggalan pesawat di batam gara-gara supir taksi yang dodol, ada struk dari mustapha centre, dan kinokuniya..
+> struk debating, bayar founders registration di UI, struk atm bca, yang diambil dari malang pas lagi pimnas buat transfer registrasi ke NED, dan buat kirim undangan AUDC ke UMM..
+>trains ticket! back and forth, bandung klaten round trips. somehow unsurprising that most of it misspell my name..
+> reminiscent of happy time, makan2 goiza sama corleone, sama dara-dara cinta *hoeks* di pizza hut sembari buka sesi gosip, sama anak-anak astro di ampera, yang sambelnya buffet. pas habis selese UTS listrik magnet, kita nangis2 (both karena kepedesan dan meratapi kegoblokan di LM)
+> books always does its appeal, as shown below, which comprises bon2 buat buku-buku termahalku (tetralogi buru 3&4; crichton's state of fear dan tolkiens' unfunished tales dari kinokuniya, cost me SG$35; bartimaeus trilogy 1&2 yg dibeli di periplus malioboro mall)
1 comment:
kontemplatif sekali sekaligus menunjukkan sisi "suka shopping" kmu...LOL
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