Thursday, June 25, 2009

When the future is set

I am now certain.
That I will waste some 300K away.

I initially thought that I'd rather err on the side of caution; that even when I don't know if I wanted to go to japan, I'd rather not be a helpless tourist there. Hence the language course.

Only after I paid the down payment, 300K, I notice that i will most likely waste the money away. the course is in 3 hours a week, for 12 weeks. and I'll be gone by half of the course.

But I have had history of burning money on courses I don't attend anyway, so it won't be something new. Sadly.


riariaria said...

Heh?ngapain ke jepang??kok cuma 300k?itu udah bisa ke karimun jawa 4 hari..ikut yuk.ahahaa

hypocrisyoftheday said...

sebenernya kamu ngapain ke jepang??

"history of burning money on courses I don't attend" ++> neutron back in high schooL ya? hahahaha....

hilmy said...

@riariaria, itu 300ribu cuman buat les bahasa jepang doang. mana ada ke jepang duit segitu.

mau dong ke karimunjawa. tapi lagi bingung antara vietnam/bangka/lombok sebenernya.

@ronny, ke jepang buat grad school kalo jadi.

dan iya, itu bakar duit pas neutron yang cuman dateng 2x, sama pas les perancis di sebelah terminal ledeng. untung cuman 50 ribu doang yg itu. ya ga ri?