Sunday, April 3, 2022

Internet reading Q1 2022

1. I'm tired all the time. You're tired. We're all tired. How could living at the junction of the third year of a global pandemic and the threat of World War III be anything but completely, thoroughly, absolutely exhausting? 
Pandemic reading

2. How do you love a book that hates you? On CS Lewis' Narnia
Media, Languages, and Short stories

Sexuality/LGBTQIA, Friendship, Relationship

4a. The rightful outpouring of support for Ukraine teaches us that the West can condemn occupation when it wants to. By Yousef Munayyer 
4b. I saw a TikTok recently in which a blue-haired teen declared their commitment to “BLM” and Jewish “return” and “decolonization” by occupying Palestine. If you’re thinking that something about this whole thing feels weird, well, you’re not wrong.  
Race, Politics, and International: Ukraine, Panama, and Xinjiang
Science and Technology

6. I know a lot about my “friends,” but not because I’ve spoken to them, but because I’ve seen them. I swim daily through this cybersea of pictures, devoid of language save for the sparsest of captions, images haunted by splendor or sadness, but always laden with meaning. Most of social media is not literate, but visual: pictures, videos, gifs, memes. (by Arjun S. Byju)  
Also: When I was young and visited my grandmother in India, I often marveled at how long it took her to look at photographs. My grandmother came of age during a time in which photographs were at once posed, momentous, and infrequent. Now, I scroll past more pictures than she might have taken in her entire life while I wait for the subway. My grandmother savored pictures. I burn through—genuinely consume—them. 
Internet, Crypto

7. Grad school is worse for public health than STDs  (by Ben Kuhn) 
(Development) Economics 

8a. If You Have Writer's Block, Maybe You Should Stop Lying by Sasha Chapin 
8b. No one reads your paper. But you should publish nonetheless. And: No one reads your blog: Reflections on the middling bottom
Learning and Thinking

9. Alice Fraser Trilogy 

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